Friday 10 Nov. [Actually November 09]

In port today. Had a storm from the S. during the night. It blew well. Eased towards the small hours. Got a meridian sight.

We were four men – HH W. Hs. and me – and a splendid sun. The results were a little different for the two instr. The average was 83°1'S. Lat.

Land was visible most of the day. It must be a very high mountain range. We are probably 100 nautical miles off shore, but on certain occasions seem able to see details of the mountain ridges. Have done my best to make a sketch of the range. A fine piece of work it is not, but when one has done what one can, one cannot do any better.

Bj. has a touch of snowblindness in his left eye, but it is better this afternoon. Built our depot during the forenoon. It has a quadrilateral form with sides of 2 m, and 2 m high. Then on top a small dark blue pennant. In the pyramid there are supplies for five human beings and 12 animals for four days – 24 kg dog pemmican 6 kg human pemmican 2 kg chocolate, four bags of milk, 800 biscuits and a box of matches.

W. and I made a trip this evening to the last cairn built yesterday – 2 nautical miles from here – to examine the effect of the storm on it. It was still standing, but bent right over by the wind. We shall give the cairns a new form hereafter. Three of Bj’s best dogs came after us, went past and continued northwards in the track and quickly out of sight. They were Lussi’s lovers. I am afraid they have taken the road back to where we shot her.

This transcript comes from “Race for the South Pole - The Expedition Diaries of Scott and Amundsen” by Roland Huntford. It appears by courtesy of the author and The Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd.