Videos from the media, Internet and own cameras.
23 October 2011: While waiting in Punta Arenas, we spend some of the time training.
Film sequences from Roald Amundsen’s 1911 expedition to the South Pole.
Vegard Ulvang, along with a historian, a researcher, and an adventurer, plans to retrace Roald
Amundsen’s steps to the South Pole 100 years after the polar hero.
In late August 2010, the four expedition members went to Øksfjordjøkelen in Finnmark. Aired on
Norwegian TV2 4 September 2010.
All Norwegians know that Vegard Ulvang is a good skier and an expert on wool, but what some don’t
realize is that he’s also a talented filmmaker.
30 March 2011: What a day! Clear and cold and Svalbard at its very best. Our skis have borne us
between magnificent mountains, across the glacier divide at Kongsvegspasset, skirted the slopes of
Isrypene and down the glacier at Bardebreen.
31 March 2011: Yesterday we logged minus 24 degrees °C. That was the last exact measurement we
had. Through a mishap, our thermometer had accompanied the television team snowmobiles back to
Ny-Ålesund. But we can say one thing for sure – and we say it in unison – It’s colder now!
3 April 2011: The wind was gusting to storm force and it was hard to stand upright. The only
thing to do was to stay lying down. We had arranged to be picked up by snowmobile at Fredheim on
Sunday evening but the storm put a decisive stop to the last leg down to Sassenfjorden.